NCERT Solutions for Class IV

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 All Subjects

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NCERT Solutions For Class 4 All Subjects, Hindi (रिमझिम), English (Marigold), Maths Magic (गणित) & Environmental Studies (EVS – Looking Around आस-पास) for new academic session 2022-2023.

NCERT Solutions for class 4 all subjects will be uploaded in the current academic session 2022-23. All Solutions are given in separate links for the convenience of students.

NCERT Solutions For Class 4 ENGLISH (Marigold)

Unit 1: 1. Wake Up!

Unit 1: 2. Neha’s Alarm Clock

Unit 2: 1. Noses

Unit 2: 2. The Little Fir Tree

Unit 3: 1. Run!

Unit 3: 2. Nasruddin’s Aim

Unit 4: 1. Why?

Unit 4: 2. Alice in Wonderland

Unit 5: 1. Don’t be Afraid of the Dark

Unit 5: 2. Helen Keller

Unit 6: 1. Hiawatha

Unit 6: 2. The Scholar’s Mother Tongue

Unit 7: 1. A Watering Rhyme

Unit 7: 2. The Giving Tree

Unit 7: 3. The Donkey

Unit 8: 1. Books

Unit 8: 2. Going to buy a Book

Unit 9: 1. The NaughtyBoy

Unit 9: 2. Pinocchio

NCERT Solutions For Class 4 HINDI हिंदी (रिमझिम)

पाठ 1: मन के भोले-भाले बादल

पाठ 2: जैसा सवाल वैसा जवाब

पाठ 3: किरमिच की गेंद

पाठ 4: पापा जब बच्चे थे

पाठ 5: दोस्त की पोशाक

पाठ 6: नाव बनाओ नाव बनाओ

पाठ 7: दान का हिसाब

पाठ 8: कौन?

पाठ 9: स्वतंत्रता की ओर

पाठ 10: थप्प रोटी थप्प दाल

पाठ 11: पढ़क्कू की सूझ

पाठ 12: सुनीता की पहिया कुर्सी

पाठ 13: हुदहुद

पाठ 14: मुफ़्त ही मुफ़्त

NCERT Solutions For Class 4 Maths (Maths Magic)

Chapter 1: Building with Bricks

Chapter 2: Long and Short

Chapter 3: A Trip to Bhopal

Chapter 4: Tick-Tick-Tick

Chapter 5: The Way The World Looks

Chapter 6: The Junk Seller

Chapter 7: Jugs and Mugs

Chapter 8: Carts and Wheels

Chapter 9: Halves and Quarters

Chapter 10: Play with Patterns

Chapter 11: Tables and Shares

Chapter 12: How Heavy? How Light?

Chapter 13: Fields and Fences

Chapter 14: Smart Charts

NCERT Solutions For Class 4 EVS (Looking Around)

Chapter 1. Going to School

Chapter 2. Ear to Ear

Chapter 3. A Day with Nandu

Chapter 4. The Story of Amrita

Chapter 5. Anita and the Honeybees

Chapter 6. Omana’s Journey

Chapter 7. From the Window

Chapter 8. Reaching Grandmother’s House

Chapter 9. Changing Families

Chapter 10. Hu Tu Tu, Hu Tu Tu

Chapter 11. The Valley of Flowers

Chapter 12. Changing Times

Chapter 13. A River’s Tale

Chapter 14. Basva’s Farm

Chapter 15. From Market to Home

Chapter 16. A busy Month

Chapter 17. Nandita in Mumbai

Chapter 18. Too Much Water, Too Little Water

Chapter 19. Abdul in the Garden

Chapter 20. Eating Together

Chapter 21. Food and Fun

Chapter 22. The World in my Home

Chapter 23. Pochampalli

Chapter 24. Home and Abroad

Chapter 25. Spicy Riddles

Chapter 26. Defence Officer: Wahida

Chapter 27. Chuskit Goes to School